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The Faker You Are, the More Successful You Can Be

Pablo Stanley, Design Lead at InvisionApp gave an awesome talk to the backdrop of his own animations.

Pablo Stanley, Design Lead at InvisionApp gave an awesome talk to the backdrop of his own animations. His entertaining and refreshing presentation revealed the dos and don't to becoming a successful designer, at Awwwards Conference San Francisco.

Pablo Stanley is a Mexican designer based in San Francisco. He is the lead designer for the InVision Studio Platform. Previously designer and co-founder of Carbon Health. He gives design workshops around the world focused on product design and UI animation.

Pablo has a YouTube channel called Sketch Together with design tutorials, livestreams, critiques, and other random stuff. He also co-hosts a Hispanic podcast interviewing Latinxs in the tech industry called “Diseño Cha Cha Cha.” Writer and illustrator of “The Design Team,” a comic series that follows the lives of designers working at a startup.

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